Hi all,

I wanted to implement certificate pinning on an upstream SSL connection of a 
reverse proxy but I am struggling with the setup.
Please let me know where I am going wrong or if the expected setup should work.

My setup is as follows:
Multiple local applications ---HTTP via localhost --->  Apache httpd 2.2 as 
reverse proxy ------------------------- HTTPS via the internet ---------------> 
API Provider

I am having a bunch of applications which all consume an API provided by a 
third party. Connection to the third party is accessible via https and mutual 
All local applications are running on the same server and we decided to bundle 
requests by using an apache reverse proxy which handles the SSL connections to 
the API Provider.
By doing this the Proxy also reduced the number of SSL connections needed while 
at the same time reducing latency as connections are be reused. I am running an 
apache 2.2 on CentOS.
Due to the fact that applications and proxy are living on the same host we 
decided to use only http via localhost.

The API Provider is using a server certificate which is derived from a public 
root CA => intermediate CA 1 => intermediate CA 2 => API Server Certificate.

The setup is working in general but I wanted to ensure that I am understanding 
the way certificate chains are evaluated correctly as my understanding of the 
trust model is not working a expected.
This where I hope you can help.

According to my understanding I should be able to place the Server Certificate 
in a file referred to via SSLProxyCACertificateFile
If I then set SSLProxyVerifyDepth to 0 only certificates included in the 
certificate file should be trusted.

During tests this setup failed and I am getting an handshake failure. My 
assumption is that this is due to the fact that the server certificate is not 
selfsigned but derived from an intermediate CA.
I got this to work by Adding all three CAs (root CA, intermediate CA 1 and 
intermediate CA 2) and setting SSLProxyVerifyDepth to 3
As soon as I started removing certificates from the top or reducing the 
verification level I was getting handshake errors stating either CA chain too 
long or CA not found.

Could you advice on the best way to ensure only specific certificates (Signed 
by public CAs) rather than whole CAs can be trusted in outgoing SSL Connections 
from Appache 2.2 using the SSLProxyEngine

Here is the config I am using:

SSLProxyEngine                               on
SSLProxyCACertificateFile           trusted_CAs.pem                            
# this includes the 3 CAs and I even tried including the 3 CAs and the server 
SSLProxyVerify                                 require
SSLProxyCheckPeerCN                 on
SSLProxyVerifyDepth                    3

ProxyPass / https://API-Server.X.Y/API-App



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