HI all,
I have configured my apache 2.4 to work on https. I generated a self signed 
certificate for myclient with openssl (ootb config) and  this works fine.
However my goal is have add few extensions to the self signed 
certificate.(principal name) Therefore I added few changes in openssl.cnf file
[ v3_req]...subjectAltName=@principal_names
[ principal_names]DNS.1 = test.comotherName=;UTF8:test

When I import the certificate in IE I can properly see the fields that I added. 
Also if I set SSLVerifyClient optional_no_ca in apache config it will work. The 
goal is to work with SSLVerifyClient require
These are the commands I run to generate the certificate.openssl genrsa -out 
key.pem 2048openssl req -new -sha256  -key key.pem -out csr.pemopenssl req 
-x509 -days 365 -sha256 -key key.pem -in csr.pem -out cert.pemopenssl pkcs12 
-export -in cert.pem -inkey key.pem -out server.p12
In error log I getAH02275: Certificate Verification, depth 0, CRL checking 
mode: none [subject: 
AH02276: Certificate Verification: Error (18): self signed certificate 
 core_output_filter: flushing because of FLUSH bucket
OpenSSL: Write: SSLv3 read client certificate B
OpenSSL: Exit: error in error
 AH02008: SSL library error 1 in handshake 
SSL Library Error: error:14089086:SSL 
routines:ssl3_get_client_certificate:certificate verify failed

I have enabled trace8 logging.  Can you point me to the direction to overcome 
this issue or enable more debugging
Best Regards,Gabi

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