Halaluia! I just found the problem. After discovering the log files at 
/private/var/log/apache2, I read the log and found the error "an unknown filter 
was not added: includes”. So, that led me to think that some module was not 
loaded and that was eventually found to be mod_include!

Lesson: Read the dang error logs.
Lesson: Make sure all the dang modules you need are Included.

Thanks for your consideration. I works now.


> On Mar 12, 2016, at 10:22 AM, Jack Penkethman <jpenketh...@me.com> wrote:
> Thank you Kees Nuyt! It’s exciting to have help.
> But, I’m not there yet. I made the change to DirectoryIndex and I no longer 
> get the directory and I do get my page. But I do not get the html file loaded 
> into the home.shtml file. Here are all the changes I’ve made (that I’m aware 
> of anyway!) plus the surrounding directives. Can you make any sense of this. 
> I truly appreciate your help.
> <IfModule dir_module>
>     DirectoryIndex home.shtml index.shtml
> </IfModule>
> <Directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents">
>     Options FollowSymLinks Multiviews Includes
>     MultiviewsMatch Any
>     AllowOverride None
>     Require all granted
> </Directory>
> <IfModule mime_module>
>     TypesConfig /private/etc/apache2/mime.types
>     AddType application/x-compress .Z                                   
>     AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz   
>     AddType text/html .shtml
>     AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
> </IfModule>                              
>> On Mar 12, 2016, at 12:21 AM, Kees Nuyt <k.n...@zonnet.nl 
>> <mailto:k.n...@zonnet.nl>> wrote:
>> On Fri, 11 Mar 2016 22:24:56 -0800, you wrote:
>>> Can't get SSI working. I may have munched something inadvertently.
>>> Using Apache 2.4 on my MacBook
>>> Put "Options +Includes" in <directory 
>>> "/Library/WebServer/Documents"></directory>
>>> Took out the #'s before:
>>>   AddType text/html .shtml
>>>   AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
>>> Put <!--#include virtual="mainmenu.html" --> in my file home.shtml
>>> But! mainmenu fails to load.
>>> I just get:
>>> Index of /
>>> [ICO]       Name    Last modified   Size    Description
>>> [DIR]       about/  2014-12-10 00:53        -        
>>> [DIR]       autism/ 2016-03-09 20:25        -        
>>> [DIR]       babylonian_astronomy/   2016-03-11 09:58        -       
>>> yahoo-yadha
>>> What could be broken?
>>> I have little hair left as it is. If you could help me I'd be vey 
>>> appreciative.
>> What's the result of http://your.site/home.shtml 
>> <http://your.site/home.shtml> ?
>> Is home.shtml in the list of files in DirectoryIndex ?
>> -- 
>> Regards,
>> Kees Nuyt
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