
2016-03-21 17:11 GMT+01:00 James Smith <j...@sanger.ac.uk>:

> On 3/21/2016 4:07 PM, Michael A. Peters wrote:
>> On 03/21/2016 08:51 AM, ismail berrada wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Can someone tell me when Apache 2.2 EOL will occurs ?
>>> Regards
>> I can't find anything official but 1.3 went EOL in 2010 and 2.0 went EOL
>> in 2013.
>> Not enough data points to say there's a trend, but it wouldn't surprise
>> me if 2.2 doesn't have much time left.
>> I doubt it will be EOL before the next major version (2.6 ??) is released.
>> If you are running 2.2.x I would recommend upgrading to 2.4.18 simply
>> because HTTP/2 has a lot of advantages.
>> But make sure you read the documentation on how to set it up before you
> blindly switch as the there are some
> major differences in the conf files from 2.2 to 2.4 (and some changes to
> coding if you are writing handlers/filters)

This is a great thread since we are all actively pushing everybody to
migrate towards 2.4. The 2.2 release is not updated anymore and all the new
features/bug-fixes are for 2.4, including HTTP/2 stuff as said above.

There is a nice page to start thinking about the migration:

To everybody: please update to 2.4, and send an email on this list if you
need help :)


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