I tested a bit more , and unfortunately it breaks somewhere 
Probably I should have mentioned that the path’s after  ….hostname.com/  are 
not always physical paths on the disk , actually I think like 95% are not 
For example 
lang-fr.hostname.com/user/  , lang-fr.hostname.com/admin , 
hostname.com/fr/user , hostname.com/fr/admin , hostname.com/admin , 
lang-fr.hostname.com/fr/user , lang-fr.hostname.com/fr/admin , 

And deeper paths are generated by drupal , and there is no index file , just 
the path

I tried to do this to remove the index.php file from the path , and this works 
but deeper paths don’t

  RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^lang-fr\.hostname\.com$ [NC]
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/fr/.*$
  RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET.*index\.php$ [NC]
  RewriteRule ^(.*)index\.php/*(.*)$ /fr/$2 [L]

From: Marat Khalili [mailto:m...@rqc.ru] 
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2016 2:31 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Rewrite domain to language specific page but no 
address bar redirection

It's tricky. Here's a rule set that works for me (but it may depend on Apache 
version and configuration):

# fr-lang {
  RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} ^$
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/fr$
  RewriteRule ^fr$ http://lang-fr.hostname.com/ [L,R=302]

  RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} ^$
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/fr/.*$
  RewriteRule ^fr/(.*)$ http://lang-fr.hostname.com/$1 [L,R=302]

  RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.lang-fr\.hostname\.com$ [NC]
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://lang-fr.hostname.com/$1 [R=301,L]

  RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^lang-fr\.hostname\.com$ [NC]
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/fr/.*$
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /fr/$1 [L]

  RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^lang-fr\.hostname\.com$ [NC]
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [L]
# fr-lang }

Repeat for each language (probably it's possible to make a single rule set for 
all languages, but I didn't try it).

With Best Regards,
Marat Khalili

On 25/03/16 11:13, Alexandru Duzsardi wrote:
I’ve search around on search engines but I could not find any answers that 
solve my dilemma
I have a VirtualHost configured to respond on multiple hostnames 
Example: hostname.com , lang-fr.hostname.com , lang-nl.hostname.com , 
fr-lang.hostname.com , nl-lang.hostname.com
Now , what I would like is that 
If somebody is accessing lang-fr.hostname.com and fr-lang.hostname.com to 
actually  see the pages under hostname.com/fr/… but without redirection 
Like lang-fr.hostname.com/users to actually be hostname.com/fr/users , and so 
on for other languages.
I’ve tried some things but always get to many redirects or some other error and 
can’t figure it out why is that happening , but if I had to guess is because 
I’m using RewriteCond  correctly.
Thank you in advance!

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