I have checked ldd  /tmp/ossl/httpd/Release/modules/mod_ssl.so
and it points to proper libraries.

How do i make sure that i have compiled "EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name".
I could find it in libcrypto.so file, but not in libssl.so.

Are there any specific things that i need to lookout when i'm compiling on
Linux 64-bit machine
for 64 bit binary.

Compiler: gcc version 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-9)

APR: 1.5.2
APR-UTIL:  1.5.4
PCRE: 8.38
OPENSSL:  1.0.2g

The versions of modules were used while compiling 64-bit httpd on linux.



On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 1:46 PM, Rubén Toribio Aldeguer <rtori...@riu.com>

> Hi,
>  I don't sure it it helps, but I will try with:
> # ldd  /tmp/ossl/httpd/Release/modules/mod_ssl.so
>  - if some dependency is broken you will be addressed to the problem.
>  - may by you need to execute ldconfig to register nes ssl lib.
>  - Be sure you compiled ssl EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name capacity.
> 2016-04-06 8:37 GMT+02:00 kishore <satyakishor...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to compile httpd 2.4.18 with openssl-1.0.2g(with
>> openssl-fips-2.0.12) on 64-bit RHEL machine.
>> I'm could compile and get it(httpd) running in http mode and while i'm
>> trying to run it in
>> HTTPS mode, server is unable to start saying
>> "httpd: Syntax error on line 128 of
>> /tmp/ossl/httpd/Release/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load modules/mod_ssl.so
>> into server: /tmp/ossl/httpd/Release/modules/mod_ssl.so: undefined symbol:
>> EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name"
>> ​I could get the same config up and running in 32-bit, but there seems to
>> be an issue with 64-bit.
>> Can someone help me with this​.
>> I have checked all pre reqs and basic checks for paths, all seems to be
>> pointing to proper libraries.
>> Thanks in Advance,
>> Kishore
> --
> *Rubén Toribio Aldeguer*
> Técnico Sistemas DataCenter
> Informática Área Sistemas
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