>> Well, it is one option to extend mod_rewrite. What I meant
>> specifically was that any module can implement a rewritemap internal
>> function.
> Yes, the feature seems to be a bit too specific for general implementation in 
> mod_rewrite.

I was thinking about mod_rewrite because these functions would have then been 
easily available to everyone.
And quite easy to develop, as it only requires to extend the existing functions 
catalog :)
But quite specific I agree.

> Ben: have a look at how mod_rewrite accesses its own 
> ap_register_rewrite_mapfunc via
> map_pfn_register = APR_RETRIEVE_OPTIONAL_FN(ap_register_rewrite_mapfunc);
> Any module can access the function using this construct. And then mod_rewrite 
> registers builtin rewrite map functions e.g. like
> map_pfn_register("escape", rewrite_mapfunc_escape);
> Your own module can also register your own functions like myuid and mygid:
> map_pfn_register("myuid", my_mapfunc_uid);
> Then you can configure a RewriteMap to use these functions and they will call 
> directly the my_mapfunc_uid function in your module to get the uid without 
> the need of an external process with locking etc.

Many thanks Rainer for this howto !
I have never written a module from scratch, but I found the documentation :
Does not seems so difficult to just register some new rewritemap functions.

> In short: the list of builtin functions for RewriteMap is extensible and can 
> be extended by 3rd-arty modules using the above method.
> If uid and gid alone isn't powerful enough, you can code whatever logic you 
> need in your map function and register it with a name that is reasonable for 
> you and doesn't clash with what's already there in mod_rewrite.

Sounds perfect, again, many thanks Rainar !

>> On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 12:19 PM, Ben RUBSON <ben.rub...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I can't think of any solution that would work out of the box, but
>>>>> you can always write your own apache module in C.
>>>> Which could provide nothing but a new internal rewritemap type.
>>> Rainer, Eric,
>>> Thank you very much for your feedback.
>>> Yes a new rewritemap seems to be the solution.
>>> type name : usr
>>> functions : uid, gid
>>> parameter : name or #uid
>>> For example :
>>> RewriteMap getuid usr:uid
>>> RewriteMap getgid usr:gid
>>> C functions getpwnam and getpwuid would do the job.
>>> Is a pull request here the right method to proceed ?
>>> https://github.com/apache/httpd/blob/trunk/modules/mappers/mod_rewrite.c
>>> Thank you very much,
>>> Ben

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