I've written a server and am running some ab tests from 20 EC2 instances.
Above a certain level of concurrency (about 30 for each of 20 instances, so
600 "clients" in total), I start getting failed requests.  Presumably this
is a limitation of my server's performance.  The strange thing is that
the failed
requests are always, without fail, equally distributed over Receive,
Length, and Exceptions (and 0 failed requests for Connect).  For example,
the output of my most recent test contained the following lines:

Failed requests:        576
   (Connect: 0, Receive: 192, Length: 192, Exceptions: 192)

Should I expect to see such output on server-performance-related failed
requests?  If so, why?  All of my searches on this issue only bring up
failures due to Length, on account of dynamic webpages returning content of
unexpected length.


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