I have created a handler in Apache which is supposed to parse the URL
entered. If the conditions defined by the handler are satisfied, the
handler returns DECLINED AND the page requested is open. If not, the
handler displays "Rejected". However, the problem I am facing is that when
I am trying to display a PHP page, the PHP handler does not help execute
the PHP code after my handler returns DECLINED. I have included the
following lines in my httpd.conf file:

LoadModule example5_module modules/mod_example5.so<FilesMatch \.php$>
    SetHandler example5-handler
    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php</FilesMatch>

Here, example5_module is the module I wrote and example5-handler is my
handler. The handler works completely fine and does its job of parsing the
URL but on success it shows a blank page instead of executing the PHP code.
I have also checked that PHP is working properly if I remove my handler.
Please help me make my handler and the PHP handler work together.

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