I think you want AuthType Digest if you are using AuthDBDUserRealmQuery.

If you want to do Basic auth you want AuthDBDUserPWQuery.


Kind Regards,


First Class Watches
9 Warwick Road
United Kingdom

On 18 August 2016 at 11:35, Emanuele Bastianelli <manu.re...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I'm using Apache 2.4.7 on Ubuntu 14.04 and I need to use the mode
> mod_auth_dbd with the AuthDBDUserRealmQuery. I have mysql installed and
> working. I followed the documentation, activated all the needed apache
> modules (hopefully), and configured the 000-default.conf file, under the
> VirtualHost field (I'll need this authentication in a reverse proxy mode).
> First, I tested the simple AuthDBDUserPWQuery directive, that works without
> problems.
> The issue occurs when I activate the AuthDBDUserRealmQuery directive,
> removing the AuthDBDUserPWQuery. The resulting VirtualHost file is
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>         ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
>         DocumentRoot /var/www/html
>         ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
>         CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
>         DBDriver mysql
>         DBDParams "host=localhost port=3306 user=my_user pass=my_password
> dbname=apacheauth"
>         DBDMin  2
>         DBDKeep 4
>         DBDMax  10
>         DBDExptime 300
>         <Directory /var/www/html>
>           AuthName "You Must Login"
>           AuthType Basic
>           AuthBasicProvider dbd
>           Require valid-user
>           AuthDBDUserRealmQuery "SELECT ENCRYPT(password) FROM password
> WHERE username = %s AND realm = %s"
>         </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>
> When I try to access with user and password through basic authentication,
> what happens is that the error.log file of apache is reporting this error:
> [authn_dbd:error] [pid 40782:tid 140490237867776] [client
> some_ip:some_port] AH01654: No AuthDBDUserPWQuery has been specified
> I searched a lot on the Web, but I didn't find anything.
> Thank you,
> Best,
> EB
> PS: I already tried the query both with ENCRYPT and without it.


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