
I have built a shared module on apache 2.4. I could get the apache build
succesfull. On apache start there is a dump at the below line:

#ifdef APA24

//ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r, trcStr.getStr());

if (r != NULL) {

        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r, "test");


Below is the dump analysis:

ApaTracer::outP(int,Tracer::Verbosity,String&)(this = 0x00000001100997b0,
sysmsg = 0, _lvl = Tracer::Info, trcStr = &(...)), line 92 in

tracer.Tracer::out(Tracer::Verbosity,String&)(this = 0x00000001100997b0,
_lvl = Info, msg = &(...)), line 97 in "tracer.cpp"

ContentServerState::~ContentServerState()(this = 0x0000000110098ed0,
__dtorFlags = 0, __vtt = (nil)), line 26 in "csrvstate.cpp"

ApaCSServerState::~ApaCSServerState()(this = 0x0000000110098ed0,
__dtorFlags = 3, __vtt = (nil)), line 32 in "apacsrvstate.cpp"

cs_main_init_cleanup(void*)(obj = (nil)), line 165 in "apacsrvstate.cpp"

run_cleanups(0x1100219d8) at 0x900000002a661b8

apr_pool_clear(0x1100219b8) at 0x900000002a6709c

main(0x200000002, 0xffffffffffffa80) at 0x100003bf8

I derefernce the structure variable r which is of type server_rec(apache
struct) and below is the value

(dbx) p *r

(process = 0x000000011001fa88, next = (nil), error_fname =
"logs/error_log", error_log = 0x000000011001fa10, log = (module_levels =
(nil), level = 4), module_config = 0x0000000110053420, lookup_defaults =
0x0000000110054ef8, defn_name = (nil), defn_line_number = 0, is_virtual =
'\0', port = 0, server_scheme = (nil), server_admin = "y...@example.com",
server_hostname = "isi081.wdf.sap.corp", addrs = 0x000000011004e410,
timeout = 60000000, keep_alive_timeout = 5000000, keep_alive_max = 100,
keep_alive = 1, names = (nil), wild_names = (nil), path = (nil), pathlen =
0, limit_req_line = 8190, limit_req_fieldsize = 8190, limit_req_fields =
100, context = (nil))

I do not see any corruption in memory. But still there is a dump on apache

If i comment out this line, then everything works as expected. Apache
starts and i am able to complete the operation as well. But we would need
this statement in order to have logging enabled. Is there any other
alternative or fix for the same.

The same code is working for apache 2.2.

Any help would be highly appreciated.



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