25 * 2000 = 50.000 threads. May be you have to setup ulimit in your OS.

2016-09-22 6:32 GMT+02:00 Rashmi Srinivasan <rashmisrinivasan2...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Below is the issue encountered when i am trying to use apache 2.4 to
> validate performance using the benchmarking tool(ab tool).
> ab is invoked with 2000/1000 concurrent requests and subjected to 80000
> cgi requests. The module enabled is mod_cgid. Occurs with worker/event mpm
> enabled
> MPM configuration is:
> <IfModule mpm_worker_module>
>     ServerLimit             80
>     StartServers             3
>     MinSpareThreads         75
>     MaxSpareThreads        250
>     ThreadsPerChild         25
>     MaxRequestWorkers     2000
>     MaxConnectionsPerChild   0
> </IfModule>
> ================================================
> 2000 concurrent requests
> Benchmarking x.x.x.x (be patient)
> socket: Too many open files (24)
> OR
> 1000 concurrent requests
> Benchmarking x.x.x.x (be patient)
> Completed 8000 requests
> apr_socket_recv: Connection timed out (110)
> Total of 8972 requests completed
> ================================================
> This occurs on RHEL as well as on HP-UX.
> Please help if anyone has encountered the same problem.
> Thanks,
> RS


*Rubén Toribio Aldeguer*
Técnico Sistemas DataCenter
Informática Área Sistemas
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