It looks like you are asking about some other product (maybe Apache Jena?),
but not HTTPD.
This list is for HTTPD questions.

If you are using Jena, try here:

- Y

On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 10:06 AM, Mahmood Ahmad <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Using Windows 10…
> I used a simple ulo.ttl file (owl file converted to ttl format) to upload
> on dataset /ds (Fuseki 2.4.0) and ran a simple query to get all triples.
> The file uploaded correctly but generated no result in query results
> portion of the Fuseki v2.4.0 web UI, although there are 11 triples in
> ulo.ttl
> The ttl file is attached. There was no result from the execution of query,
> nor a message of success/failure.
> Please can you suggest something so that I could get some output from the
> query?
> Regards
> Mahmood
> Mahmood Ahmad
> KTP Associate
> School of Computer Science
> University of Manchester
> and
> Telematicus
> Newport Street
> Macclesfield
> SK11 6QJ
> United Kingdom
> E:
> E:
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