Hello guys,

I’ve configured virtual host as named-base for multiple domains on one IP
public, all works fine but on one domain I have to use redirect but it
didn’t works because it goes in loop, this is my conf:

<VirtualHost *:80>

    DocumentRoot "C:/Web/Tomcat/webapps/SITE2"

    DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html

    ServerName test.site2.com

    ServerAlias *. site2.com

*   Redirect / http://test.site2.com/SITE2 <http://test.site2.com/SITE2>*

                Alias /SITE2 "C:/Web/Tomcat/webapps/SITE2"

                <Directory "C:/Web/Tomcat/webapps/SITE2/">

                Options FollowSymLinks Includes

                AllowOverride All

                Require all granted


                <Location "/SITE2/WEB-INF/">

                                Require all denied


JkMount /SITE2/servlet/* ajp13

JkMount /SITE2/*.jsp ajp13


When I hit *http://test.site2.com <http://test.site2.com>  * I would
redirect to http://test.site2.com/SITE2  but instead of this it goes in
loop as follow:  http://test.site2.com/SITE2SITE2SITE2SITE2.....

Someone can hep me?

I don’t want to use mod_rewite so I ask you if there is a method for get my

Thanks very much


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