I don’t understad where did you that URL from

Do you see anywhere in the configuration file /lophyda.comlophyda.com/ ?


ServerName lophyda.com <http://lophyda.com>  – means that you should access the 
webserver with that address 


If you don’t have DNS configured correctly then you should set it up statically 
using the hosts file.

Anyway , if you want to do this kind of work , you should first have a basic 
understanding of networking and apache configuration.



From: Lou DeGenaro [mailto:lou.degen...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2016 4:34 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] ProxyPass not working?


HTTP Status 404 - /lophyda.comlophyda.com/ <http://lophyda.comlophyda.com/> 

root@HAL9000:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled# cat lophyda.com.conf 
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName lophyda.com <http://lophyda.com> 

    ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/lophyda.com
    ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/lophyda.com
    LogLevel warn



On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 8:44 AM, Alexandru Duzsardi 
<mailto:alexandru.duzsa...@pitechnologies.ro> > wrote:

ProxyPreserveHost is kind of useless in your case

Take a look at  


This should work 


<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName lophyda.com <http://lophyda.com> 

    ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/lophyda.com
    ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/lophyda.com
    LogLevel warn




<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName lophyda.com <http://lophyda.com> 


    <Location />
    ProxyPass http://localhost:8080/lophyda.com

    LogLevel warn



From: Lou DeGenaro [mailto:lou.degen...@gmail.com 
<mailto:lou.degen...@gmail.com> ] 
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2016 3:24 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org <mailto:users@httpd.apache.org> 
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] ProxyPass not working?


Still trying. On ubuntu 16.04.

I have tomcat installed.  Visiting localhost:8080 yields normal tomcat welcome 
page.  Visiting localhost:8080/lophyda.com <http://lophyda.com>  yields my 
website welcome page, as expected.

I have apache2 installed.  Visiting localhost:80 yields normal apache welcome 
page.  Visiting lophyda.com <http://lophyda.com>  yields the same?

I expected that since I used "lophyda.com <http://lophyda.com> " to visit that 
I'd get forwarded to tomcat and see my lophyda.com <http://lophyda.com>  

Here is my conf file:

root@HAL9000:/etc/apache2/sites-available# cat lophyda.com.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ProxyRequests off
    ProxyPreserveHost on
    ServerName lophyda.com <http://lophyda.com> 
    ServerAdmin lou@localhost
    ProxyPass http://lophyda.com http://localhost:8080/lophyda.com
    ProxyPassReverse http://lophyda.com http://localhost:8080/lophyda.com
    LogLevel warn

What am I doing wrong?





On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 6:21 PM, Lou DeGenaro <lou.degen...@gmail.com 
<mailto:lou.degen...@gmail.com> > wrote:

Why?  I see: port 80 namevhost degenaro.com <http://degenaro.com>  


On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 7:05 AM, Daniel <dferra...@gmail.com 
<mailto:dferra...@gmail.com> > wrote:

when you visit localhost/ <http://degenaro.com/> degenaro.com it will be 
delivered to (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf:1)

if you want to be delivered to (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/degenaro.com.conf:1) 
you must request 

using the appropiate name.


2016-11-10 11:38 GMT+01:00 Lou DeGenaro <lou.degen...@gmail.com 
<mailto:lou.degen...@gmail.com> >:

root@HAL9000:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled# apachectl -S
VirtualHost configuration:
*:80                   is a NameVirtualHost
         default server 
         port 80 namevhost 
         port 80 namevhost degenaro.com <http://degenaro.com>  
ServerRoot: "/etc/apache2"
Main DocumentRoot: "/var/www/html"
Main ErrorLog: "/var/log/apache2/error.log"
Mutex proxy: using_defaults
Mutex default: dir="/var/lock/apache2" mechanism=fcntl 
Mutex mpm-accept: using_defaults
Mutex watchdog-callback: using_defaults
PidFile: "/var/run/apache2/apache2.pid"
User: name="www-data" id=33
Group: name="www-data" id=33

Perhaps my expectations are wrong?  When I visit localhost/degenaro.com 
<http://degenaro.com>  should I not be taken to localhost:8080/degenaro.com 
<http://degenaro.com> ?


On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 7:05 PM, Eric Covener <cove...@gmail.com 
<mailto:cove...@gmail.com> > wrote:

    ServerName degenaro.com <http://degenaro.com> 

I've restated the apache server, and visit http://localhost/degenaro.com/ and 
see this in my browser:

Request likely not going to the virtual host you configured.  See apachectl -S 
for a summary.​





Daniel Ferradal

IT Specialist


email         dferradal at gmail.com <http://gmail.com> 

linkedin      <http://es.linkedin.com/in/danielferradal> 




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