
I am using the following with apache 2.4 with php in fpm mode:

ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ 
DirectoryIndex /index.php index.php

This works just fine, but I wanted to ask some questions:

1) the “/path/to/your/documentroot” is effectively the path used to find the 
php script then run it.  but substituting %{DOCUMENT_ROOT} does not work.  Is 
there a means of making this happen?

2) with multiple vhosts I would need a separate proxypassmatch line for each 
vhost.  If I do not need to change the php user, is there any need to use a 
different port number such as fcgi://, or is it ok to use the 
same ip/port combo with a different /path/to/your/documentroot?

3) Are there any other parameters passed to the proxy port?

Jason Brooks    Systems Administrator
eROI    Performance is Art.
m:      505 nw couch #300       w:      eroi.com <http://eroi.com/>
t:      503.290.3105    f:      503.228.4249

fb:     fb.com/eROI <http://www.facebook.com/eROI>

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