Your question doesn't say whether you are changing the HTTPD configuration
or just changing the DNS.

Any time you change the HTTPD configuration you need to restart the
service. There is no way around that. If that isn't the problem, try
describing the steps you take when you make a change.

- Y

Sent from a device with a very small keyboard and hyperactive autocorrect.

On Dec 16, 2016 6:51 AM, "Ajay B" <> wrote:

> Hi All
> We are using Apache HTTPD server and pointing to our server using cname.
> Whenever we point the cname to different server the apache is not able to
> recognize it till we restart the httpd service.
> Once we restart the apache it passed the request to new server.
> Please help us in fixing this issue.
> Thanks
> Ajay

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