Am 03.01.2017 um 23:19 schrieb Good guy:
On 03/01/2017 21:31, Development Manager wrote:
CVE-2016-8743 was patched/mitigated in Apache 2.4 but is still an
outstanding issue in 2.2, according to

Is there a plan to rebase it to 2.2? If so, do you know when?
The reason I ask is PCI DSS requires that we have all vulnerabilities
patched within 30 days, and it's been 2 weeks since 2.4 was patched.

2.2 is dead and finished.  It is time to move to 2.4.  Nobody is working
on 2.2 as far as I know.

The backport vote for the fix is ongoing and likely there will be a release soon after the fix will have been voted into 2.2. But it might be it will be published after your 30 days deadline.

In general "yes": if you can, you should migrate to 2.4.



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