> I am writing messages to error_log file as well as sending to std out.
> The setting looks like
> ErrorLog  "| /usr/bin/tee -a /var/log/httpd/error_log |  java -cp 
> producer.jar stdin.producer.StdInProducer /CustomProducer/config.json >> 
> /producer_init.log 2>&1"`
When httpd is started it spawns 2 processes and adds one every one hour,
keeping all alive

Only other thing happening per hour is rotation of error_log file by
logrotate with copytruncate option (which copies the file data and
truncates original file keeping the file descriptor unchanged )

I also tested it with another program with setting as follows which runs
fine, so what am I doing wrong here ?

ErrorLog  "| /usr/bin/tee -a /var/log/httpd/error_log |
/usr/bin/logger -u /tmp/apache_log.socket"

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