
2017-01-30 13:34 GMT+01:00 aRaviNd <ambadiarav...@gmail.com>:

> Hi All,
> I am using Apache as a forward cache proxy and configured with prefork
> module using below settings.
> <IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
>     StartServers        200
>     MinSpareServers     50
>     MaxSpareServers     100
>     ServerLimit         1000
>     MaxRequestWorkers   1000
>     MaxConnectionsPerChild      1000
> </IfModule>
> But no of concurrent connections is not increasing above 250. Please let
> me know why connection count is not increasing 250 with above configuration.
Some questions that might help since afaics the configuration should allow
to pass the 250 limit:

- How did you measure the 250 limit? Have you load tested the server?
- Are you sure that you are not hitting a limit in your proxied backend?
- Have you checked the Scoreboard in mod_status when the limit is reached?
What are the statues of the workers?
- Is there anything in the httpd error log that might indicate a
configuration issue?

One thing that looks odd is the low MaxConnectionsPerChild, it might
trigger a lot of Graceful children kills under high traffic.

Hope that helps!


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