I have spent 8+hours scouring the web, reviewing the Apache Httpd Cookbook,
the Definitive Reference, and the 2.2 documentation for mod_headers,
mod_proxy and core.

Apache Version:
Server version: Apache/2.2.15 (Unix)
Server built:   Jul 18 2016 15:24:00

SSL offloading happens before the requests gets to Apache, which proxies
http traffic to Apache on port 80.

The Apache VirtualHost config in question does not have a ServerName or
ServerAlias configured, and is configured to listen on port 80.

I have a Rewrite rule issuing a 301 redirect which uses flags [NC,R=301,L]
-  which redirects to the correct hostname, but using http as the protocol.

I have a mod_headers rule to try to deal with this:   Header always edit
Location ^http://(.*) https://$1
This rule is getting completely ignored.

If I add a wholly new Header like:    Header always add SillyHeader
the header DOES get added.

Does anyone know why the   "Header always edit"   rule is getting ignored?

Thank you,


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