Best way is to avoid redirects completely: show requested application page if 
user is authenticated, otherwise show login page. This is what happens if you 
use apache authentication modules, like mode_auth_basic (warning: SSL is 
mandatory for it). Some applications use redirects, but pass original url in 
query string and hidden form fields.

From your scenario it is not clear how application will know that user actually 
passed login page and not typed application URL directly. Also, you'll need to 
securely pass user identity from login page to application. Generally, writing 
your own authentication is not recommended, because it's almost impossible to 
avoid major security blunders when you do it the first time.

With Best Regards,
Marat Khalili

On March 11, 2017 4:07:54 PM GMT+03:00, "Fabio S. Schmidt" 
<> wrote:
>I'm trying to setup an environment with a frontend interface which
>and redirects to my application.
>The scenario is: The user access with and the login
>redirects to the application, running on the same host, but on port 81.
>How could I keep the original URL? I mean, the browser should keep the
>" as the address.
>My Apache configuration:
><VirtualHost *:443>
>DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/login_domain"
>DirectoryIndex index.html *.php
>SSLEngine on
>SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/crt/apache.crt
>SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/crt/apache.key
>        SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/crt/ca.crt
><VirtualHost *:80>
>DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/login_domain"
>DirectoryIndex index.html *.php
>Kind regards.
>Fabio S. Schmidt

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