Stick with rotatelogs and adjust your program (or provide a separate helper) to 
read the logs from disk as a traditional log parser?  That way, you have 
standard logging behavior, your customizations aren’t altering httpd behavior, 
and you could even drop your utility onto an existing Apache server with no 
config changes.

Rick Houser
Web Administration

From: Milind Vaidya []
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 17:31
Subject: [users@httpd] external log reader not getting restarted every hour

I have following setting in my httpd.conf

ErrorLog "| /usr/bin/tee -a /var/log/httpd/error_log |  java program reading 
msgs from stdinput"

The error_log file gets rotated using logrotate every hour.

The java program has following statement

while ((msg = this.stdinReader.readLine()) != null) {


This essentially reads the lines till EOF is encountered.  After this I close 
all the resources and the main method ends.

Earlier I was NOT ending the program when EOF was encountered. So apache used 
to start new process every hour keeping old one intact. But this stopped 
happening when the logic to terminate program was added when EOF is encountered.

But now this does not seem to work with everything else remaining same. Now the 
same process keeps on running for days together which is little worrisome as 
does not look like the normal behaviour.

What are my debugging options here.

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