2017-02-21 18:45 GMT+01:00 Luca Toscano <toscano.l...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Mike,
> 2017-02-20 18:17 GMT+01:00 Mike Schlottman <mschl...@spe.org>:
>> I’m trying to configure apache 2.4 to show nice error pages to external
>> users of our web site, while allowing staff to see the real error.   The
>> idea is to prevent exposing privileged information to the general public
>> while allowing our staff to more easily debug issues on our production web
>> site.   To accomplish this I am using a combination of ErrorDocument within
>> an If statement that evaluates the header X-Real-IP which is the IP address
>> of the client on my server.
>> This seems to work, until I nest the If statements to catch all the IP
>> ranges that I am interested in.
>> For example…
>> <If  "! %{HTTP:X-Real-IP}  -ipmatch '' ">
>>   ErrorDocument 404 /errors/404
>> </If>
>> will correctly show the nice 404 page for a user coming from
>> Using this, the same user coming from sees the nice error
>> page.
>> <If  "! %{HTTP:X-Real-IP}  -ipmatch '' ">
>>   ErrorDocument 404 /errors/404
>> </If>
>> Simmilarly the same user gets the nice error page when this code is used.
>> <If  "! %{HTTP:X-Real-IP}  -ipmatch '' ">
>>   ErrorDocument 404 /errors/404
>> </If>
>> The problem comes when I combine these 2 so that all users except those
>> coming from 127.*.*.* or 192.168.*.* see the nice error page.
>> <If  "! %{HTTP:X-Real-IP}  -ipmatch '' ">
>>   <If  "! %{HTTP:X-Real-IP}  -ipmatch '' ">
>>     ErrorDocument 404 /errors/404
>>   </If>
>> </If>
>> The user from does not get the nice 404 page, but the default
>> 404 page.   The IP does not match either of the ranges as observed when
>> using the ranges individually, but when combined in this way it does not
>> work as expected.
>> Any ideas why this is?
> I reproduced your use case and from the error_log (trace8) I can see that
> with nested <If>s the second one seems not evaluated (or more precisely,
> its expression is not). In the beginning I thought it was a peculiarity of
> how the ErrorDocument core directive settings are merged between sections,
> but it seems not the case.
> From my point of view, a container like <If> should be used like other
> similar directives like <Directory> and <Location>, where this use case
> would look a bit weird. The <If> naming brings up conventions that we use
> in traditional programming languages, so this might be the source of the
> confusion.
> For your specific use case, I'd have done something like the following:
> <If  "! %{HTTP:X-Real-IP}  -ipmatch ''  || !
> %{HTTP:X-Real-IP}  -ipmatch '' ">
>     ErrorDocument 404 "My awesome error"
> </If>
> or maybe using <ElseIf>/<Else>.
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/sections.html shows a little
> paragraph about "Nesting of sections", but I don't see any reference of
> your use case. I'll dig a bit more during the next days to find a better
> explanation if nobody will come up with a better solution :)

It took me a while (and I forgot to update the list) but I double checked
and currently httpd does not allow nested <If> sections. I updated the
following doc pages to warn users:

https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#if ("Not a scripting

I am currently investigating if
solves the problem; if anybody wants to help testing please let me know :)
(you can apply the patch to the latest 2.4.x branch cleanly and recompile).



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