Hi Ajay,

2017-04-08 8:23 GMT+02:00 Ajay Garg <ajaygargn...@gmail.com>:

> Hi All.
> If I setup the following in a virtual-host,
> ############################################################
> ########################
> Listen 9001
> <VirtualHost *:9001>
>         DocumentRoot /var/www/html
>         <Directory "/var/www/html">
>             AuthType Basic
>             AuthName "Restricted Content"
>             AuthUserFile /home/f5a6b457ba0d416cb4847bb3c4c6e6b6/.htpasswd
>             Require valid-user
>         </Directory>
>         ProxyPass /
>         ProxyPassReverse /
> </VirtualHost>
> ############################################################
> #########################
> and I type in the browser, I get taken directly to
> the proxy-address, without the auth-dialog popping up.
> If however, I remove the "ProxyPass" and "ProxyPassReverse" directives,
> and I type the same in the broswer, the auth-dialog
> pops up as expected.

>From what I can see in the config you are adding auth directives only to
the "/var/www/html" Directory context, and the proxying to the Virtual Host

More info about configuration sections:

> Is there a way to first let the auth-dialog pop-up, and only if
> credentials are correct, to move to the proxy-address?

I would try with a <Location> block containing ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse
and Auth/Require directives.

Hope that helps!


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