Host: httpd version 2.4.25, Debian 8, 64-bit

I am so close but getting the following error:

[dbd:error] [pid 14137:tid 140512755222272] (20014)Internal error:
AH00632: failed to prepare SQL statements: near "authn_query": syntax
[dbd:error] [pid 14137:tid 140512755222272] (20014)Internal error:
AH00633: failed to initialise
[authn_dbd:error] [pid 14137:tid 140512755222272] [client] AH01653: Failed to acquire database connection to
look up user 'Browder', referer:

The chunk of my http.conf that I believe may be the problem is here
It's an include file in the main httpd.conf file):

#### TLS SITES ####
  <VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName  ${PROJECT}.${TLD}
    ServerAlias www.${PROJECT}.${TLD}
    # enforce ssl/tls
    Redirect Permanent / https://${PROJECT}.${TLD}/

  <VirtualHost *:443>
    SSLEngine on
    ServerName  ${PROJECT}.${TLD}
    ServerAlias www.${PROJECT}.${TLD}
    DocumentRoot /home/web-server/${PROJECT}.${TLD}/public
    <Directory /home/web-server/${PROJECT}.${TLD}/public>

    # cgi directory
    ScriptAlias     /cgi-bin/       /home/web-server/${PROJECT}.${TLD}/cgi-bin
    # data directory
    Alias           /data/          /home/web-server/${PROJECT}.${TLD}/data

    # server SSL/TLS certificate data

    # dbd params in virtual host server context
    # for SQLite
    DBDriver sqlite3
    # params string for SQLite3 is passed through as is
    # pass in the dbd absolute file name
    DBDParams  /home/web-server/passwords/${PROJECT}.${TLD}.sqlite3
    # following are set to defaults
    DBDExptime 300
    DBDKeep 2
    DBDMax 10
    DBDMin 1
    DBDPersist On
    # for authentication
    # DBDPrepareSQL "SQL statement" label
    DBDPrepareSQL "SELECT password FROM authn WHERE user = '%s';" authn_query

    # The following belongs in the virtual host server context inside
    # a Directory directive (may be a macro later).
    <Directory /home/web-server/${PROJECT}.${TLD}/public/private>

      AuthType form
      AuthName ${PROJECT}.${TLD}
      AuthBasicProvider socache dbd
      AuthnCacheProvideFor dbd
      AuthnCacheContext server
      AuthDBDUserPWQuery authn_query

      Require valid-user
      # 60 min max
      SessionMaxAge 3600


    # The following is the login handler, the login form needs to
    # point to this handler in its action!
    <Location /dologin>
      SetHandler form-login-handler
      AuthFormLoginRequiredLocation https://${PROJECT}.${TLD}/login.html
      AuthFormLoginSuccessLocation https://${PROJECT}.${TLD}/private/index.html

      #--- following varies for file or dbd
      AuthFormProvider dbd

      AuthType form
      AuthName ${PROJECT}.${TLD}
      Session On
      SessionCookieName session path=/

      # The following requires mod_crypto, pass phrase considerations
      # (use Last Pass to generate a strong one and put it in a file).

    # This is the location setting: When a user comes to this location
    # unauthorised, he will be redirected to the login form This happens
    # as the ErrorDoucment gets overwritten with the login page.
    <Location /private/index.html>
      Require valid-user
      AuthFormProvider dbd
      ErrorDocument 401 /login.html

      #--- following varies for file or dbd
      AuthType form

      AuthName ${PROJECT}.${TLD}
      AuthFormLoginRequiredLocation https://${PROJECT}.${TLD}/login.html
      Session On
      SessionCookieName session path=/

      # The following requires mod_crypto, pass phrase considerations
      # (use Last Pass to generate a strong one and put it in a file).

  ##### END TLS OPERATIONS #####
Use VHOST_CLASS2_CERT_TLS  canterburycircle us

I can post the entire http.conf and its includes if needed.

Note that I can use sqlite3 directly and get a good select as shown in
the code above.

Best regards,


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