
Apache 2.4 on Debian Testing, mpm_itk

I have the Discourse web forum running in a docker container. The container's 
webserver is bount to localhost:2080. The
forum should be reachable at either forum.csc-stuttgart.org or 

Possibility A:

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName forum.csc-stuttgart.org
        AssignUserID csc-stuttgart csc-stuttgart
        ProxyPreserveHost On
        ProxyPass        "/" "http://localhost:2080/";
        ProxyPassReverse "/" "http://localhost:2080/";
        DocumentRoot /home/csc-stuttgart/csc-stuttgart.org/pub

That works fine, beside on little problem. I want to use Let's Encrypt SSL 
certificates on that which require a path
forum.csc-stuttgart.org/.well-known to be writable from the file system.
How can I take just one path out of the Proxy?

Wrap the ProxyPass/Reverse in a <LocationMatch> with a PCRE that match 
everything except .well-known? Haven't tested it
yet. Any better solution?

Possibility B:

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName csc-stuttgart.org
        ServerAlias *.csc-stuttgart.org
        AssignUserID csc-stuttgart csc-stuttgart
        DocumentRoot /home/csc-stuttgart/csc-stuttgart.org/pub
        <Location forum>
                LogLevel debug
                ProxyPass http://localhost:2080/
                ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:2080/

Seems to not trigger on csc-stuttgart.org/forum, tried

<Location forum> and <Location /forum> and <Location forum/>.

        ProxyPass "/forum" http://localhost:2080/
        ProxyPassReverse "/forum" http://localhost:2080/

Seems to do the trick, but the Reverse does not seem to work. Error Log says

[proxy:debug] mod_proxy.c(1228): [client] AH01143: Running 
scheme http handler (attempt 0)
[proxy:debug] proxy_util.c(2156): AH00942: HTTP: has acquired connection for 
[proxy:debug] proxy_util.c(2209): [client] AH00944: 
connecting http://localhost:2080/ to localhost:2080
[proxy:debug] proxy_util.c(2418): [client] AH00947: 
connected / to localhost:2080
[proxy:debug] proxy_util.c(2884): AH02824: HTTP: connection established with 
[::1]:2080 (localhost)
[proxy:debug] proxy_util.c(3051): AH00962: HTTP: connection complete to 
[::1]:2080 (localhost)
[proxy:debug] proxy_util.c(2171): AH00943: http: has released connection for 
[core:info][ client] AH00128: File does not exist: 

The webserver hat localhost:2080 redirected to /login/ which does not seem to 
rewritten by ProxyPassReverse to
forum/login accordingly.

Thanks for any ideas!


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