How can i disable reuse?

>Пятница, 26 мая 2017, 14:12 +03:00 от Daniel <>:
>Have you tried with disabling reuse to see if the problem persists?
>2017-05-26 12:54 GMT+02:00 Stepan Yakovenko < >:
>> I need to handle users disconnecting from my sockjs application running in
>> xhr-polling mode. When I connect to localhost, everything works as expected.
>> When I put apache between nodejs and browser, I get ~20 sec delay between
>> closed browser and disconnect event inside nodejs. My apache proxy config is
>> following:
>> <Location/>
>> ProxyPass
>> ProxyPassReverse
>> </Location>
>> The rest of the file is default, you can see it here. I tried playing with
>> ttl=2 and timeout=2 options, but either nothing changes, or I get
>> reconnected each 2 seconds without closing browser. How can I reduce
>> additional disconnect timeout, introduced, but apache, somewhere in its
>> defaults?
>> --
>> Stepan Yakovenko
>Daniel Ferradal
>IT Specialist
>email         dferradal at
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Stepan Yakovenko

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