Hi everyone, 

I was wondering, how hard would it be for apache to be able to reload one 
specific vhost configuration file ? 
I'm not a developer, but I would like to have your point of view about this 

I know, it's possible to configure dynamic vhost , using specific pattern in 
the vhost configuration . 
But I would it be too difficult to have something like : 

- httpd start 
- all vhost are loaded into memory, let say with specific id to refer to (if 
that possible in memory?) 

Then, if i want to reload a specific vhost configuration file I will do : 

httpd reload /path/to/vhost 

And next incoming connexion will be handle buy this new configuration file. 

Running httpd and reloading is fine until there is a lot of vhost ( > 10k) 
Managing 10k vhost become a lot more complicated when 1 of the vhost have to 
change te configuration of the vhost. 
Reloading apache take some time, and I guess, checking if the docroot exist is 
part of the delay. Maybe I could just change this behavior ? I think it's 
possible on startup but not on reload. 

Having the possibility to reload the configuration , without killing the 
connexion or anything too demanding , would be nice so the next request will 
take the new values . 

Could it be done by an httpd module ? or should it be in the core ? 

I appreciate your input . 



BenoƮt G 

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