Hi Vlad,

2017-11-29 20:54 GMT+01:00 Vlad Liapko <vlia...@gmail.com>:

> I have below config, non essential stuff removed
> <Location /test/>
> ProxyPassReverse http://backendhost.com
> ProxyPassReverse  /
> </Location>
> It happens that backend sends Location header already correctly pointing
> to the front end, no need to rewrite, like this
> Location:https://frontendhost.com/test/
> Apache directive
> ProxyPassReverse  /  is suppose to handle use cases when a back end server
> is not adding any host in Location, just a relative URI, but what happens
> it converts
> Location:https://frontendhost.com/test/ into
> Location:https://frontendhost.com/test/test/

As far as I know the second ProxyPassReverse is translated to something
like the following (since it is used in a Location block):

ProxyPassReverse /test/ /

So it seems to behave correctly. What happens if you remove it and use only
"ProxyPassReverse http://backendhost.com"; ?


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