you should probably share the list of modules you are actually using
and any relevant configuration

2018-01-09 18:28 GMT+01:00 Campbell, Lance <>:
> Apache 2.4
> Worker MPM
> I am using this configuration for Worker MPM:
> <IfModule mpm_worker_module>
> ServerLimit         90
> StartServers        10
> MaxRequestWorkers  2048
> MinSpareThreads     25
> MaxSpareThreads     75
> ThreadsPerChild     25
> </IfModule>
> Apache has created 12 processes.  Apaches memory consumption slowly
> increases but never goes down.  Currently Apache is using 423M and the
> average Process size is 35.3M.  When I look at the Apache access log I see
> an enormous number of requests coming across my terminal.  Should I change
> my settings?  I am concerned that at some point I am going to run out of
> memory.
> Since I started writing this email Apache is now up to 426M and the average
> process size is at 35.5M.
> Thanks,
> Lance

Daniel Ferradal
IT Specialist

email         dferradal at

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