You’ll have to piece the non-JNLP stuff together yourself, but I looked at my 
config and the JNLP I changed does not have http:// in it.  With this module, 
you are doing a dumb string replace anywhere you see that pattern in a response 
body.  So, you should probably put that in a location block (to avoid 
processing all the unrelated content) , and then look at that particular JNLP 
file with wget or something, to make sure you are doing the replace on the 
correct string, much like if you were doing a perl/sed text substitution from a 
command line.  You might also need to use 
FilterDeclare/FilterProver/FilterChain to get your request to mod_substitute, 
or that might just be an optimization we did.

Good luck.

Rick Houser
Web Engineer

From: kiran kumar []
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2018 10:36
To: Houser, Rick <>;
Subject: Re: RE: [users@httpd] Apache ReverseProxy for JavaWebStart Application.


Thanks Rick for your reply.

I am trying to understand your reply.

The JNLP file that generates dynamically when we launch the client has some 
urls for the same java web start application, those urls should be the apache 
url's instead of the application server urls which is not happening when the 
JNLP file generated dyamically.

As i mentioned in my first email, if i use the ProxyPreserveHost ON, then the 
generated JNLP file has the apache host name urls, this way it works, but the 
other problem i have is, the third party applications that are reverse proxied 
in the same virtual host configuration are not working because of 

So, are you saying that we should be able to achieve this using mod_substitute 
module to tell JNLP to send traffic back to Apache on the fly without using the 
ProxyPreserveHost turned ON?

I have given a try as as shown below, but the generated JNLP is starting the 
application with the application server url. Please see the screen shot 

<VirtualHost *:85>

ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass                 “/ServicesWeb”      
ProxyPassReverse “/ServicesWeb”      “http://localhost:8080/ServicesWeb”

[Inline image]

Please help me on this, i am new comer to apache and i need your expertise to 
solve the issue.


On Thursday 25 January 2018, 9:23:42 AM GMT-5, Houser, Rick 
<<>> wrote:

It sounds like the client is never sending the traffic to Apache (per the 
JNLP), so you aren’t able to touch it until you first tell the client to send 
it there.  You can either serve that file statically with the changes already 
present, or use mod_substitute to modify it on the fly.

Rick Houser

Web Engineer

From: kiran kumar []
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 17:42
Subject: [users@httpd] Apache ReverseProxy for JavaWebStart Application.



I have java web start application running in my Jboss Application server.

I have configured the reverse proxy configuration for my JavaWeb start 
application as shown below.

<VirtualHost *:85>

ProxyRequests Off

ProxyPass                 “/ServicesWeb”      
ProxyPassReverse “/ServicesWeb”      “http://localhost:8080/ServicesWeb”


I see that my web start application is not getting proxied and the JNLP file 
launched the application using my application server host name and port. But 
the other web applications which are running in the same Jboss application 
server JVM instance are getting proxied and the urls are always the apache urls.

How should i achieve to make it reverse proxied to the apache for my java web 
start application. ? I heard that there is a directive called ProxyPreserveHost 
to be turned ON will help the Java web start application to proxy, but there 
are issues with this where if there are any ReverseProxy configurations for 
third party applications in the same VirtualHost, those applications are not 
getting proxied and giving 404 errors.

Please provide the details how i could achieve.



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