I am attempting to launch a WAR web application from a tomcat service (tomcat 
9.0.2, windows server 2008 R2), after invoking a URL in a browser (Firefox) 
hosted by an Apache HTTP server (Apache 2.4). The documentation ...


states that the tomcat server.xml configuration file should have an entry:

<Context path="/" WAR or Directory URL: file:path to war file (which in this 
case is C:\Program Files (x86)\apache-tomcat-9.0.6\webapps\OracleStatus.war)

The Catalina log file entry gives the following error message ....
25-Jun-2018 14:49:51.158 WARNING [main] 
org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.load Catalina.start using conf/server.xml: 
Attribute name "WAR" associated with an element type "Context" must be followed 
by the ' = ' character.

The tomcat service then fails to start.

Please advise as to correct syntax to use in the server.xml configuration file.

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