On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 11:14 AM David Tkacik
<dtka...@healthcoachinstitute.com> wrote:
> I have this config included via Include conf.d/myconfig/*.conf within my 
> virtualhost.
> <Location "/requested-uri">
> ProxyAddHeaders off
> RewriteEngine on
> RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^123 [NC]
> RequestHeader set "X-API-KEY" "proxied"
> RewriteRule (.*) "https://${HOST}$1"; [QSD,P,L]
> </Location>
> But the above rule is also proxying the /var/www/html which is the document 
> root. I have no idea why as this is not added via .htaccess
> So if you curl for example /requested-uri/123/index.html the proxied path 
> would look /var/www/html/requested-uri/123/index.html
> Any ideas why ?
> Thanks a lot !

It's best to avoid Rewrite inside <Location>.  You could simply match
the URL's you want to match in the first arg of the rewriterule.

Eric Covener

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