On 9/28/18 5:21 AM, Sander Smeenk wrote:
> Quoting Carmel NY (carmel...@outlook.com):
>> This is my first attempt to set up a virtual host with apache24 on a
>> FreeBSD 11.2 machine, and it is not working out so well.
> Please elaborate on the 'not working out so well' bit.
>> Assuming a site name of example.net, I tried to configure a simple vhost.
>> <VirtualHost *:80>
>>     ServerAdmin webmas...@example.net
>>     DocumentRoot "/usr/local/www/testdir"
>>     ServerName stem.example.net:80
> The port addition here is not needed and might interfere with your
> configuration.
>>     ServerAlias www.stem.example.net
>>     ErrorLog "/var/log/stem.error.log"
>>     CustomLog "/var/log/stem.access.log" common
>>     AcceptPathInfo On
>>   <Directory "/usr/local/www/testdir/">
>>     AllowOverride all
>>     Order Allow,Deny
>>     Allow from all
>>     # For Apache 2.4 add:
>>     Require all granted
> Remove the 'Order' and 'Allow' lines if you're running Apache 2.4
> Leave the 'Require all granted' line in that case.
>>   </Directory>
>> </VirtualHost>
> Otherwise this vhost config looks just dandy!
>> apachectl -S
>> VirtualHost configuration:
>> *:80                   stem.example.net 
>> (/usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf:24)
>> *:443                  example.net 
>> (/usr/local/etc/apache24/extra/httpd-ssl.conf:121)
> It shows up here on port 80 too!
>> Obviously, I am dong something wrong, but I have no idea what.
> Please tell us what is not working for you!
> Regards,
> -Sndr.

I think it is not reading from his specified directories which are

Sounds like hist apachectl is not reading the config file.

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