apache 2.4.38
linux 2.26.32 x86_64

  We have de-commissioned a domain, businessmastery.us, and have added
Redirects to point to the new locations for its information.
  We recently received a query that a visitor's browser was complaining
about how unsafe businessmastery.us was, what with an expired SSL
certificate and all. I am unclear how they got to the old site at all.

  My question is: Does the certificate validation occur before or after
processing <.htaccess>?

----[ .htaccess ]----
Options +ExecCGI
# 20180722 jmm: De-commissioned. Refer to sohnen-moe.com
Redirect Permanent /register/ https://sohnen-moe.com/bm5-registration/
Redirect Permanent /workbook.php
Redirect Permanent /workbook5/ https://sohnen-moe.com/bm5-workbook-request/
# Redirect Permanent
# Catchall for other bizmast URLs.
ReDirectMatch Permanent ^.*$
# 20180315 jmm: Always use a secure connection
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R]
----[ end ]----

James Moe
moe dot james at sohnen-moe dot com

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