Directory / is the root of the filesystem, so it should always be set
in server config with Require all denied, it is not the documentroot,
chances are you have a Directory directive elsewhere denying, also
make 100% sure you don't mix Order/Allow/Deny with 2.4 directives.


Server config
<Directory />
Require all denied

in virtualhost and for documentroot:

<Virtualhost *:port>
 DocumentRoot /path/do/docroot

# Other directives here

<Directory /path/to/docroot>
Require all granted


El mié., 6 feb. 2019 a las 6:03, Dan Ehrlich
(<>) escribió:
> I think it’s the L in your rewrite rule.
> It stands for Last and means it won’t process any further rules. Remove it 
> and it should (maybe) work.
> Someone else feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
> On Feb 5, 2019, at 8:55 PM, Jayaram Ponnusamy <> 
> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Our Site is Public Site and there is no restriction @ any level. We are using 
> apache on top of Java based CMS (Tomcat Server).
> Recently we upgraded Apache from 2.2.21 to 2.4.25. Where ever     Order 
> allow,deny & Allow from all coming there we changed it to Require all granted 
> but root page only loading without any issue. We are getting 403 Forbidden 
> Message on Rest of the Pages. Kindly please help how to enable permission to 
> all folder and its subfolders in 2.4.25.
> For Example:
> Working:
> Notworking:
> & Other pages
> RewriteEngine on
>         RewriteRule ^/+$ /sites/  [R,L]
> DocumentRoot "/apps/apache2.4"
> <Directory />
>     Options FollowSymLinks
>     AllowOverride None
> Require all granted
> </Directory>

Daniel Ferradal
HTTPD Project
#httpd help at Freenode

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