Awesome explanation Matt!

El mar., 29 ene. 2019 a las 19:36, Muggeridge, Matt
(<>) escribió:
> ProxyPassReverse is used for rewriting response headers related only to 
> redirection.   As per the docs, it affects only “Location”, 
> “Content-Location” and “URI” headers on HTTP redirect responses.
> The example they give is helpful (although cluttered with other concepts).  
> Here is a more crystalized version of the example and a protocol exchange for 
> clarity.
> ProxyPass         "/mirror/foo/" "";
> ProxyPassReverse  "/mirror/foo/" "";
> If the backend server uses a redirect to some other location on the same 
> backend server, the reverse-proxy rewrites the ‘redirect headers’ according 
> to the ProxyPassReverse directive.
> Let’s say the uses the location header to redirect a 
> request to  
> The end-to-end protocol exchange looks something like (caveat: written 
> without validating):
> Client Request:
> GET /mirror/foo/bar HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> Reverse Proxy rewrites it to the backend (courtesy of the ProxyPass 
> directive):
> GET /bar HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> Backend Server responds with a redirect using the location header:
> HTTP/1.1 302 Found
> Location:
> Reverse Proxy Intervenes (courtesy of the ProxyPassReverse directive) and 
> rewrites the Location header to be:
> HTTP/1.1 302 Found
> Location:
> The client then reissues the request to the Location 
> and the Reverse Proxy forwards it onto 
> Matt.
> From: Ananya Dey []
> Sent: Tuesday, 29 January 2019 9:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: [users@httpd] Use of ProxyPassReverse
> Hi all,
> I am trying to connect my Apache webserver with my backend tomcat server. I 
> am using ProxyPass to do the same. Is there a need to put ProxyPassReverse 
> also along with it? I am not able to understand the working functionality of 
> the two in depth. Could someone please elaborate on the same .
> Thanks
> Ananya

Daniel Ferradal
HTTPD Project
#httpd help at Freenode

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