Dear all,

I’m trying to figure out how I can give access to documents by combining SSL 
and basic user authentication. The following is from my httpd config:

<Directory "${WEBAPPS_ROOT}/test/user">
    AllowOverride None
    Options None

    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Test User"
    AuthBasicProvider dbd
    AuthDBDUserPWQuery "select human.get_user_password(%s);"
    AuthzDBDQuery "select human.get_user_groups(%s);"
    Require ssl
    Require dbd-group user

The “Require ssl” denies access to the document for normal http:// connections 
which is what I want. But it allows accessing the documents without doing any 
authentication if I do use a https:// connection. My goal is to have an SSL 
connection but still it’s required to authenticate.

If I remove the “Require ssl” then the authentication works as expected but 
then a normal http:// connection is possible also. I want to avoid, for the 
obvious reason, that with basic authentication the password is send unencrypted 
(just the standard base64 encoding according to the HTTP specification).

BTW, I though that “Satisfy all” would solve this issue but it does not.

Or is the rewrite trick where http:// connections are redirected to https:// 
connections sufficient? I somehow have the idea it’s not but I can’t put my 
finger on that. Any insights on this would also be appreciated.

Any hints would be appreciated.

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