It's the little things.....

Apparently I was missing "RewriteEngine On" at the top of the file.  Sorry
if this wasted anyone's time...

On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 3:34 PM Jim Weill <> wrote:

> We are trying to use the software collections version of apache 2.4
> (httpd24-httpd package) on RHEL6 and it claims mod_rewrite is being loaded
> but none of our previously working rewrites seem to be doing what we
> expect.  We have a site.conf file as follows:
> RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}        ^$ [NC]
> RewriteRule ^/$ [L,R]
> RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}        ^$ [NC]
> RewriteRule ^/$ [L,R]
> alias /site "/www/site"
> <Directory "/www/site">
>         Require all granted
>         RewriteEngine on
>         RewriteBase /site
>         RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
>         RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
>         RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]
>         RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
>         RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
>         RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !
>         RewriteRule ^.*${REQUEST_URI} [R]
> </Directory>
> In the base apache 2.2 version, this works perfectly to redirect anyone
> who enters "" or "" first, to "
>"; or "";
> respectively, then redirects to "";
> If I run the httpd24-httpd daemon (via /sbin/service/httpd stop;
> /sbin/service httpd24-httpd start), none of these rewrites work, and
> instead of a redirect, it loads the html root index.html file, which in
> this case would be /www/html/index.html as configured in the httpd.conf
> file.  phpinfo() does show I am running apache 2.4, so I know the daemon is
> at least reporting the version I expect to see.
> I've tried reading through the 2.4 documentation and I don't see how we
> are doing anything so differently from the 2.2 directives, other than I
> think the stanza above the alias might need to go inside the <Directory>
> section since RewriteEngine needs to be called first...?   But even this
> change does not redirect the way it used to.
> I have even surrounded the various sections of the RewriteCond and
> RewriteRule with double quotes (as in RewriteCond "%{HTTP_HOST}"  "^
>$" [NC]) as shown in the 2.4 config pages, and this does
> not help one way or the other.  LogLevel is set in the httpd.conf file as
> "LogLevel trace3 rewrite:trace8" and I do get the following message when I
> restart the daemon:
> Starting httpd: [Thu May 02 15:15:45.565074 2019] [core:trace3] [pid
> 26668] core.c(3347): Setting LogLevel for all modules to trace3
> [Thu May 02 15:15:45.565224 2019] [core:trace3] [pid 26668] core.c(3375):
> Setting LogLevel for module mod_rewrite.c to trace8
> But I cannot find where any URL is being written in the logs.  I know the
> Software Collections is supposed to be run via the scl command, but this
> particular service is supposedly able to be configured as semi-permanent,
> but the behavior seems to be very limited compared to the 2.2 base version
> that comes with RHEL6.  Is there something else I am missing here?  Why do
> the directives seem to be ignored?
> jim

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