Hi all,

I'm investigating ways of collecting metrics from the Apache server.
Specifically, I'm trying to figure out a way to collect throughput
(req/sec) and the average latency. I have tried using mod_status, but it
only gives throughput. I'm thinking of using the following approach.

Current Approach:
1. Create a new Log Format including the request processing time.
2. Use Logstatsh to read Apache access logs.
3. Output the timestamp and request processing times to Elasticsearch
4. Query Elasticsearch using a python client and get calculate the
performance numbers (average throughput and average latency for the
required time windows.)

Is this a good approach to take performance numbers? I'm having doubts
about this because, at every iteration of performance calculations, I need
to query and get a large number of items (corresponding to requests) from
the Elasticsrearch server which I suppose ads a huge overhead.

Any alternative methods or any pointers is highly appreciated.

Best regards,

*Supun Abeysinghe*
Undergrad, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Moratuwa, Faculty of Engineering.

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