      I am hoping to get some help with an issue concerning a reverse proxy
setup and static files.

I have two domains that I purchased from Google Domains, johndavidhock.net
and johndavidhock.com and have created very simple websites for both of the
domains which consist of a single html file and a css file, index.html and
main.css respectively.

My home network is setup as follows:
Server location: - hosts the www.johndavidhock.net site
Server location: - host the www.johndavidhock.com site

I also have a server at which acts as a reverse proxy server
and has the following files in the /etc/apache2/sites-available folder:
Reverse Proxy Server location:


The contents are as follows:

<VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerName                          johndavidhock.com
         ServerAlias                           www.johndavidhock.com
         ProxyPreserveHost              on
         ProxyPass                            /
         ProxyPass Reverse             /

<VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerName                          johndavidhock.net
         ServerAlias                           www.johndavidhock.net
         ProxyPreserveHost              on
         ProxyPass                            /
         ProxyPass Reverse             /

The reverse proxy is working in that I am able to access both websites when
I am at a mall, for example, and using their wifi.  The issue that I am
having is that the css files are not being picked up. In google developer
tools I am getting a 502 error for the css files.
Please not that I am not very technically savvy about Apache and have
learned most of what I know from watching youtube videos.  Also, these
servers are raspberry pi 3+ minicomputers.  I have asked for help on the
raspberry pi forums but they directed me to here.

Is this something you can assist with?

Thanks very much,

Dave Hock

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