Excellent!  Thank-you for the update.

From: Christophe JAILLET <christophe.jail...@wanadoo.fr>
Sent: Saturday, November 9, 2019 3:32 PM
To: users@httpd.apache.org <users@httpd.apache.org>; Heather Lotz 
Subject: Re: conditionally create a Virtual Host?


this has been backported to 2.4.x branch. It will be part of apache 2.4.42.
No date is foreseen at the moment. The release should happen in a couple
of months.


Le 05/09/2019 à 21:12, Christophe JAILLET a écrit :
> Hi,
> we don't have a fixed schedule for release.
> 2.4.41 has just been released a few weeks ago.
> Unless a serious regression is spotted or some security issues
> discovered, you should not expect a new release before, let say, 3-4
> months.
> If you want to have an idea of the "release rate", have a look at [1].
> CJ
> [1]:
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/httpd/httpd/branches/2.4.x/STATUS?revision=1866035&view=markup&sortby=date
> Le 05/09/2019 à 00:41, Heather Lotz a écrit :
>> That is fantastic news!  Thank-you very much for figuring it out and
>> fixing it. Assuming the change gets approved, approximately when will
>> the next release become available?
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* Christophe JAILLET <christophe.jail...@wanadoo.fr>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 4, 2019 2:14 PM
>> *To:* users@httpd.apache.org <users@httpd.apache.org>; Heather Lotz
>> <kno...@hotmail.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: conditionally create a Virtual Host?
>> Hi,
>> The issue has been tracked down and has been fixed on trunk in
>> r1866418 [1].
>> It will be proposed for backport and should be in next release if the
>> change is approved.
>> Best regards,
>> CJ
>> [1]: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1866418&view=rev
>> <http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1866418&view=rev>
>> Le 01/09/2019 à 01:11, Heather Lotz a écrit :
>>> Hello - Just wondering if there has been any progress made on
>>> getting <IfFile> to work for Windows.
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* Heather Lotz <kno...@hotmail.com> <mailto:kno...@hotmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* Saturday, August 24, 2019 11:40 AM
>>> *To:* Christophe JAILLET <christophe.jail...@wanadoo.fr>
>>> <mailto:christophe.jail...@wanadoo.fr>; users@httpd.apache.org
>>> <mailto:users@httpd.apache.org> <users@httpd.apache.org>
>>> <mailto:users@httpd.apache.org>
>>> *Subject:* Re: conditionally create a Virtual Host?
>>> Seeking clarification - does this mean you were able to reproduce
>>> the issue?
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* Christophe JAILLET <christophe.jail...@wanadoo.fr>
>>> <mailto:christophe.jail...@wanadoo.fr>
>>> *Sent:* Saturday, August 24, 2019 5:18 AM
>>> *To:* users@httpd.apache.org <mailto:users@httpd.apache.org>
>>> <users@httpd.apache.org> <mailto:users@httpd.apache.org>; Heather
>>> Lotz <kno...@hotmail.com> <mailto:kno...@hotmail.com>
>>> *Subject:* Re: conditionally create a Virtual Host?
>>> Hi,
>>> confirmed, using the binaries provided by
>>> https://www.apachelounge.com/download/
>>> <https://www.apachelounge.com/download/>
>>> CJ
>>> Le 23/08/2019 à 23:53, Heather Lotz a écrit :
>>>> Right, I have zero knowledge of C. That would be super if you would
>>>> be able to replicate the issue in a Windows environment.
>>>> Admittedly, I don't know what a Windows binary is.
>>>> I ran some more tests, based on your suggestion, and also found a
>>>> couple of links about DOS device paths that proved to be helpful*.
>>>> Here are the results -
>>>> For each of these Apache would not start:
>>>> <IfFile "\\.\Z:">
>>>> <IfFile "\\.\Z:\">
>>>> <IfFile "\\.\Z:\files\development\ApacheSmokeSignal.txt">
>>>> <IfFile "\\.\C:">
>>>> For each of these Apache would start whether Z: was connected to
>>>> the PC or not.  However, the code within the <IfFile> tags never
>>>> executed because localhost:8080/miscellaneous/ always returned a
>>>> 404 error in the browser.
>>>> <IfFile "\\?\Z:">
>>>> <IfFile "\\?\Z:\">
>>>> <IfFile "\\?\Z:\files\development\ApacheSmokeSignal.txt">
>>>> <IfFile "\\?\C:">
>>>> <IfFile "\\?\C:\">
>>>> <IfFile "\\?\C:\Users\heather.lotz\Documents\_user_files\text.txt">
>>>> *For reference, here are links to the useful pages about DOS device
>>>> paths -
>>>> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/io/file-path-formats
>>>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23041983/path-prefixes-and
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> *From:* Christophe JAILLET <christophe.jail...@wanadoo.fr>
>>>> <mailto:christophe.jail...@wanadoo.fr>
>>>> *Sent:* Friday, August 23, 2019 8:55 AM
>>>> *To:* users@httpd.apache.org <mailto:users@httpd.apache.org>
>>>> <users@httpd.apache.org> <mailto:users@httpd.apache.org>; Heather
>>>> Lotz <kno...@hotmail.com> <mailto:kno...@hotmail.com>
>>>> *Subject:* Re: conditionally create a Virtual Host?
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Ok, if you have little knowledge of C, no need to try to apply the
>>>> patch.
>>>> You would need a compiler, some libraries, set-up the environment,
>>>> configure, build, install...
>>>> I'll install a Windows binaries and try your configuration. Should
>>>> be easy to reproduce.
>>>> The syntax you have used is correct (Z:/bla/bla/). AFAIK, the
>>>> internals of httpd (the APR library to be precise) already
>>>> translate the '/' (Linux style) in '\' (Windows style).
>>>> My proposal was just based on information taken from Microsoft doc
>>>> (search for "When opening a volume or removable media drive (for
>>>> example, a floppy disk drive or flash memory thumb drive), ..."
>>>> near the end of
>>>> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-createfilew).
>>>> Because, at some point, on Windows, 'CreteFileW()' is called.
>>>> Just 2 words on the patch.
>>>> When a configuration file is parsed, when a '<IfFile ...>'
>>>> directive is found, all lines up to the corresponding </Iffile> are
>>>> discarded.
>>>> To do that the function, we call 'apr_stat()' which gives
>>>> information on a file (size, name, dates...). In the specific case,
>>>> no information is requested. This is unusual. Usually we ask for
>>>> size only, or "standard" information.
>>>> The patch just changes the requirement from "do not return
>>>> anything" to "return size file only".
>>>> However, asking for no information *should still work*. The
>>>> function should tell us that the file exists or not, without any
>>>> details on the file itself, if found.
>>>> My point is that using it this way, is unusual. This could hide a
>>>> corner case (read: bug in the APR underlying library)
>>>> I've had in my todo list for a long time to setup a test
>>>> environment for Windows. It could be a good occasion to do it. Or
>>>> you could try with the supplier of a Windows binary (Steffen from
>>>> Apache lounge is following closely the project and could be of
>>>> help). Reproduce the issue with their binaries and report to issue
>>>> to them as well.
>>>> Finally, I put back the mailing list in copy, should anyone have an
>>>> opinion on it
>>>> CJ
>>>> Le 23/08/2019 à 14:12, Heather Lotz a écrit :
>>>>> Also, it would be helpful to know the expected syntax to use in
>>>>> <IfFile> once the patch is applied.
>>>>> For instance, does the patch expect
>>>>> <IfFile "/z/files/development/ApacheSmokeSignal.txt">
>>>>> and the purpose of the patch is to execute the code within the
>>>>> <IfFile> tags?
>>>>> Or does the patch expect
>>>>> <IfFile "Z:/files/development/ApacheSmokeSignal.txt">
>>>>> and the patch will allow the code within the <IfFile> tags to
>>>>> execute as it would on a Linux machine?
>>>>> I opened the patch file in Notepad++ but don't understand the
>>>>> contents.
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> *From:* Heather Lotz <kno...@hotmail.com> <mailto:kno...@hotmail.com>
>>>>> *Sent:* Friday, August 23, 2019 6:44 AM
>>>>> *To:* Christophe JAILLET <christophe.jail...@wanadoo.fr>
>>>>> <mailto:christophe.jail...@wanadoo.fr>
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: conditionally create a Virtual Host?
>>>>> Hello Christophe - Thank-you for the reply.  Can you please
>>>>> provide some instructions about how to apply the patch?
>>>>> Heather
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> *From:* Christophe JAILLET <christophe.jail...@wanadoo.fr>
>>>>> <mailto:christophe.jail...@wanadoo.fr>
>>>>> *Sent:* Friday, August 23, 2019 12:50 AM
>>>>> *To:* users@httpd.apache.org <mailto:users@httpd.apache.org>
>>>>> <users@httpd.apache.org> <mailto:users@httpd.apache.org>; Heather
>>>>> Lotz <kno...@hotmail.com> <mailto:kno...@hotmail.com>
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: conditionally create a Virtual Host?
>>>>> Le 23/08/2019 à 05:04, Heather Lotz a écrit :
>>>>>> After some more testing, it seems that this syntax -
>>>>>> <IfFile "Z:/files/development/ApacheSmokeSignal.txt">
>>>>>> is the root cause of Apache not starting when the external
>>>>>> storage device, mapped to Z:, is detached from the Windows 10 PC.
>>>>>> I tested these variants individually, which are more *nix like -
>>>>>> <IfFile "Z/files/development/ApacheSmokeSignal.txt">
>>>>>> <IfFile "/Z/files/development/ApacheSmokeSignal.txt">
>>>>>> <IfFile "/z/files/development/ApacheSmokeSignal.txt">
>>>>>> and the behavior is Apache starts whether or not Z: is attached
>>>>>> to the PC, so that is a step in the right direction. However, the
>>>>>> code within the <IfFile> tags never executes because when
>>>>>> localhost:8080/miscellaneous/ is entered in a browser it always
>>>>>> returns a 404 error.
>>>>>> Another test was this -
>>>>>> <IfFile "/c/Users/heather.lotz/Documents/_user_files/test.txt">
>>>>>> which points to an existing file which is not stored on Z:. The
>>>>>> behavior here was the same as that of the 3 *nix like tests.
>>>>>> Apache starts whether or not Z: is attached to the PC but code
>>>>>> within the <IfFile> tags is not executed because
>>>>>> localhost:8080/miscellaneous/ returns a 404 error.
>>>>>> Does this constitute a bug of <IfFile> when used on a Windows OS?
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> *From:* Heather Lotz <kno...@hotmail.com> <mailto:kno...@hotmail.com>
>>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 21, 2019 9:36 PM
>>>>>> *To:* users@httpd.apache.org <mailto:users@httpd.apache.org>
>>>>>> <users@httpd.apache.org> <mailto:users@httpd.apache.org>
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [users@httpd] conditionally create a Virtual Host?
>>>>>> A new file was created on Z: for the sole purpose of having a
>>>>>> designated file for Apache to seek.
>>>>>> The file is  called Z:\files\development\ApacheSmokeSignal.txt.
>>>>>> Here is what httpd-vhosts.conf looks like now:
>>>>>> <IfFile "Z:/files/development/ApacheSmokeSignal.txt">
>>>>>> <VirtualHost *:8080>
>>>>>>  DocumentRoot "Z:/files/xampp/htdocs"
>>>>>>  <Directory "Z:/files/xampp/htdocs">
>>>>>>   Options Indexes
>>>>>>   Require all granted
>>>>>>  </Directory>
>>>>>> </VirtualHost>
>>>>>> </IfFile>
>>>>>> With this update in place, Apache starts fine when Z: is attached
>>>>>> to the PC. However, when Z: is not attached to the PC Apache does
>>>>>> not start and these lines appear in the XAMPP Control Panel console:
>>>>>> 9:30:24 PM  [Apache]  Attempting to start Apache app...
>>>>>> 9:30:24 PM  [Apache]  Status change detected: running
>>>>>> 9:30:26 PM  [Apache]  Status change detected: stopped
>>>>>> 9:30:26 PM  [Apache]  Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
>>>>>> 9:30:26 PM  [Apache]  This may be due to a blocked port, missing
>>>>>> dependencies,
>>>>>> 9:30:26 PM  [Apache]  improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown
>>>>>> by another method.
>>>>>> 9:30:26 PM  [Apache]  Press the Logs button to view error logs
>>>>>> and check
>>>>>> 9:30:26 PM  [Apache]  the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
>>>>>> 9:30:26 PM  [Apache]  If you need more help, copy and post this
>>>>>> 9:30:26 PM  [Apache]  entire log window on the forums
>>>>>> There are no entries in error.log with a Wed Aug 21 21:30 or
>>>>>> later timestamp.
>>>>>> Is the syntax incorrect? Note that Apache is installed in this
>>>>>> location on the PC in question: C:\xampp\apache.
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> *From:* Eric Covener <cove...@gmail.com> <mailto:cove...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 21, 2019 7:27 PM
>>>>>> *To:* users@httpd.apache.org <mailto:users@httpd.apache.org>
>>>>>> <users@httpd.apache.org> <mailto:users@httpd.apache.org>
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [users@httpd] conditionally create a Virtual Host?
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 8:21 PM Heather Lotz <kno...@hotmail.com>
>>>>>> <mailto:kno...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Greetings,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > In my development environment on a Windows 10 PC I have added
>>>>>> the following to Apache's configuration files -
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > To httpd.conf:
>>>>>> > Listen 8080
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > To httpd-vhosts.conf:
>>>>>> > <VirtualHost *:8080>
>>>>>> > DocumentRoot "Z:/files/xampp/htdocs"
>>>>>> > <Directory "Z:/files/xampp/htdocs">
>>>>>> >  Options Indexes
>>>>>> >  Require all granted
>>>>>> > </Directory>
>>>>>> > </VirtualHost>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Note that Z: is mapped to an external storage device.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > With this setup, Apache successfully accesses C: on port 80 and
>>>>>> Z: on port 8080. However, if the external storage device is not
>>>>>> attached to the computer, Apache will not start. Is there a way
>>>>>> to check if Z: is present, and only create the virtual host if
>>>>>> that device is plugged in so that Apache always starts?  If so,
>>>>>> how can this be achieved?
>>>>>> Try <IfFile> https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#iffile
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Eric Covener
>>>>>> cove...@gmail.com <mailto:cove...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@httpd.apache.org
>>>>>> <mailto:users-unsubscr...@httpd.apache.org>
>>>>>> For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@httpd.apache.org
>>>>>> <mailto:users-h...@httpd.apache.org>
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> would you have the opportunity to test the attached patch?
>>>>> The 0 passed to apr_stat looks spurious to me. (but should work)
>>>>> (Pure speculation)
>>>>> Also, based on Microsoft doc, could you also try:
>>>>> <IfFile "\\.\Z:">
>>>>> ...
>>>>> and
>>>>> <IfFile "\\.\Z:\">
>>>>> ...
>>>>> CJ

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