
we are using apache (Server version: Apache/2.4.6 Red Hat Enterprise Linux) as 
a reverse proxy in front of our Perl webserver (Mojolicious). Apache is also 
taking care of SSO authentication through Kerberos. We are using a rewriterule 
to pass on the REMOTE_USER request header to our webserver.

This is working fine for 97% of our AD users, but the other 3% are getting a 
kind of endless loop. And I suspect that my rewriterule is the culprit. Please 
have a look at my configuration below:

<Location />

   AuthName "Authenticate to SYST-ADMIN.COLRUYT.INT"

   AuthType Kerberos

   KrbServiceName Any

   Krb5Keytab /opt/otrs_soft/SSO/suldapincs.keytab


   KrbMethodNegotiate On

   KrbMethodK5Passwd On

   KrbAuthoritative On

   KrbSaveCredentials Off

   KrbVerifyKDC Off

   require valid-user

   RewriteEngine on

   RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} (.+)

   RewriteRule . - [E=RU:%1,NS]

   RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER "%{RU}e" env=RU

   RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER_SECRET "*************"


To be honest, I'm not an expert in Rewrite Rules, I've just copy pasted the 
above from an article on the internet. Does anyone knows if the above Rewrite 
condition/rule can result in an endless loop and how to resolve this?

Already thanks in advance for your feedback!

Kind regards,



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