
I meet a strange problem.

The website architecture is:

Internet -- (Proxy server with public and private ip)  -- (backend server)

Proxy server and backend server are both running Debian buster with apache

In the proxy server settings, proxy and proxy_http modules have been
enabled, and here I have two example virtual server config:

conf.la.conf in proxy server apache:

http://conf.libreoffice.asia will be redirected to
https://conf.libreoffice.asia, which will get from *http*://
intern-conf.libreoffice.asia/ via reverse proxy
Notice in the backend part only http is used, SSL module is disabled.

The ip of intern-conf.libreoffice.asia is a private ip which is defined in
/etc/hosts of the proxy server:

This setting works perfectly.

However another virtual server setting uses almost the same way, but the
behavior is different:

limesurvey.conf in proxy server apache:

http://limesurvey.slat.org will be redirected to https://limesurvey.slat.org,
which should get from *http*://limesurvey57.slat.org via reverse proxy
where the ip of limesurvey57.slat.org is also defined in /etc/hosts of
proxy server like above.

But, the real behavior becomes that it will try to find *https*://
limesurvey57.slat.org and got connection refused.

I used wget -o- https://limesurvey.slat.org and found that it returns a 302
to https://limesurvey57.slat.org

$ LANG=C wget -o- https://limesurvey.slat.org
--2020-04-13 19:49:04--  https://limesurvey.slat.org/
Resolving limesurvey.slat.org (limesurvey.slat.org)...
Connecting to limesurvey.slat.org (limesurvey.slat.org)||:443...

*HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location:
https://limesurvey57.slat.org/ <https://limesurvey57.slat.org/> [following]
--2020-04-13 19:49:04--  https://limesurvey57.slat.org/
Resolving limesurvey57.slat.org (limesurvey57.slat.org)... 192.168.xxx.57
Connecting to limesurvey57.slat.org
failed: Connection ref

The backend apache virtual config is quite simple:


conf.libreoffice.asia works perfectly but limesurvey.slat.org doesn't.  I
don't know why the reverse proxy behaviors are different.

Would anyone please give me some hints?

Thanks, Franklin

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