Bernd Lentes wrote:
> 1. 
> The recommendation is to change the owner of the DocumentRoot of the 
> Nextcloud installation to www-data, the user the apache2 process is running.
> "chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/nextcloud/"
> This is weird, isn't it ? I remember 
> "Permissions on 
> ServerRoot Directories"
> which is contradictory to that.
> 2. The second recommendation is even stranger:
> "mod_env and mod_rewrite must be installed on your webserver and the 
> .htaccess must be writable by the HTTP user. Then you can set in the 
> config.php two variables:"
> .htaccess writeable by the HTTP User !?! I'm no Webserver expert, but i get 
> pain in my stomach reading this.
> What do you think ?
> Has anyone experience in installing nextcloud ?
> Would it be a good idea to install nextcloud via snap, which seems to be more 
> secure ?
I agree, that the recommendations are insecure. I made some tests with
different permissions. Not all files and directories have to be owned by

The following files/directories should be owned by www-data. There are
some checks in the Nextcloud codebase which otherwise complain about
missing permissions. Other files can be owned e.g. by root.


The location for Nextcloud data (default: nextcloud/data/) can be
changed. Changing the permissions of nextcloud/apps/ and
nextcloud/config/ is not trivial because of the checks in the code. Also
some functionality will be lost, of the permissions are changed, e.g.
updating apps from the GUI will not work, if /nextcloud/apps/ is read-only.


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