On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 4:11 PM <vad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using this config and I am not able to connect to /mydir/noauth without 
> authentication.
> ProxyPass /mydir http://example.org/mydir
> ProxyPassReverse /mydir https://example.org/mydir
> <Location /mydir/noauth>
>        Require all granted
> </Location>
> <Location /mydir>
>        Order allow,deny
>        Allow from all
>        AuthType Shibboleth
>        Header set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
>        ShibUseHeaders On
>        ShibRequestSetting requireSession true
>       <RequireAny>
>               Require shib-attr AuthType "standard, x509, securePlus2, 
> securePlus3"
>               Require shit-attr AppAuth true
>         </RequireAny>
> </Location>
> I am getting 302 when hitting http://mysite.org/mydir/noauth

Location blocks are processed in the order they appear, not the
hierarchical order.  Try flipping the order.

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