
I am using the form based authentication to authenticate different applications 
are reverse proxied to their destination host and all applications are 
authorized by same credentials using sign-on feature.

For example:
and so on

I successfully achieve the login and logout functionality using Apache Form 
based authentication. But I have a small problem in that current solution

For example: When I provide the invalid credentials for 
, the url get errored out with 401 unauthorized in 
http://localhost:8080/login/login.html?req=/dologin/?. But I need to redirect 
the url to  
 instead of http://localhost:8080/login/login.html?req=/login/dologin/?. By the 
way, users will get chance to re-enter their credentials

Your help will be much appreciable!

Some codes sample, which I used to achieve form based authenciation:

<Directory />
  #LogMessage "mainDirectory"
  Options FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride None
  AuthFormProvider file
  AuthType form
  AuthName "TEST"
  AuthUserFile /opt/user/passwords
  Require valid-user
  AuthFormFakeBasicAuth On
  Session On
  SessionCookieName session path=/;secure;
  SessionCryptoPassphrase secret

<Location /logout>
 AuthFormLogoutLocation /logout/logout.html
  SessionMaxAge 1
  RequestHeader unset Cookie

<Location /login>
  Require all granted

<Location /dologin>
  SetEnvIf Referer ^.*req=(.*)&?$ req=$1
  AuthFormLoginSuccessLocation %{ENV:req}

<Proxy *>
  AuthType form
  AuthName "TEST"
  AuthUserFile /opt/user/passwords
  AuthFormFakeBasicAuth On
  Session On
  SessionCookieName session path=/;secure;
  #SessionExpiryUpdateInterval 1
  SessionCryptoPassphrase secret
Require valid-user

Include /opt/proxy/sites/common/conf/application1.conf
Include /opt/proxy/sites/common/conf/ application2.conf
Include /opt/proxy/sites/common/conf/ application3.conf

Sathish Vijayan

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