On 2/9/21, Dino Ciuffetti <d...@tuxweb.it> wrote:
>> I have situation where we have, let us say alpha.example.com
>> bravo.example.com, we want to redirect them and example.com to
>> zulu.example.com _but_ for that and every page under, they
>> retain address bar of their original request hostname
> You could enable mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http, mod_rewrite, then configure
> something like this (change your docroot path, VH port and protocol and
> domain names):
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>   ServerName example.com
>   ServerAlias alpha.example.com
>   ServerAlias bravo.example.com
>   RewriteEngine on
>   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://zulu.example.com$1 [R,P,QSA,L]
> </VirtualHost>
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>   ServerName zulu.example.com
>   DocumentRoot /YOUR_DOCROOT
>   <Directory "/YOUR_DOCROOT">
>     Options none
>     AllowOverride all
>     Require all granted
>   </Directory>
>   DirectoryIndex index.html
> </VirtualHost>

This sounds like more what I'm after, will give this a shot, thanks!

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