On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 2:28 PM Norbert Elbanbuena <norb...@teligentip.com>

> Hi,
> $ ./apachectl -v
> Server version: Apache/2.4.46 (Unix)
> Server built:   Nov 15 2020 14:32:04
> I just accessed /server-status?refresh=5 to regularly refresh the page.
> But I think understand the counts better now. My only other question is
> does the Request column retain the last URL requested or does it clear
> after an x amount of time when the thread is idle?
> I'm referring to the output below:
> Srv PID Acc M CPU SS Req Dur Conn Child Slot Client Protocol VHost Request
> *3-0* 10941 0/1/1 _ 0.00 695 1 1 0.0 0.02 0.02 http/1.1
> app3.mytestapp.net:8080 GET /server-status?refresh=30 HTTP/1.1
> *3-0* 10941 0/1/1 _ 0.01 404 0 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 http/1.1
> app3.mytestapp.net:8080 GET /manager/status?XML=true HTTP/1.1

It will stay there until the thread is reused or the process goes away. The
"SS" column tells you how long ago that request shown completed (or

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